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 Behavioral health

Behavioral health — like other areas of health care — has changed significantly due to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Behavioral telehealth also benefits patients who can access care from their homes with more options for safety, privacy, and convenience.

Behavioral telehealth may also be referred to as telebehavioral health, telemental health, telepsychiatry, or telepsychology.

Virtual, telebehavioral health care can be part of an integrated approach to treating substance use disorders.

Our Telehealth means the delivery of health care services through the use of interactive audio and video technology, permitting real-time communication between the patient at the originating site and the provider, for the purpose of diagnosis, consultation, or treatment.

Our platform is all compliant, in order to protect your privacy and confidentiality. Our technology is at no cost to our patients.

Patients can participate in sessions from home or any location determined appropriate by the patient and their clinician.

All franchisees have access to a proprietary telemedicine software system. Telemedicine immediately resonated with existing and potential franchisees, which they proclaim as an innovative business model that will be attractive to future investors trying to see what business opportunities will be viable in our current economic climate.

All franchisees have access to a ...

This allows an investor with no experience in the behavioral field to scale their business in the industry. If you combine the fact that mental health care is recession resistant with our advanced telemedicine software, you have a recipe for success with or without a pandemic, of course.


I was quite literally standing on an edge, ready to jump off. And now I haven’t had a thought like that in weeks. I’m feeling a lot more like myself from my golden days. I’m, like, ready to start working on things again. It’s been really, really exciting. Having the energy to do that, just do things again.

- Becca - Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal, Acting, TMS

If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, PTSD, post-partum, chemical dependency, or any other mental health or addiction concern, please contact us today.



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