When individuals are in need of a structured setting in which to work towards overcoming symptoms of mental health, behavioral health, and/or substance abuse concerns, they may find benefits from engaging in an intensive outpatient program (IOP). This treatment option allows individuals to receive thorough treatment that fully addresses their needs in a less restrictive environment than that which is offered in partial hospitalization programming (PHP), inpatient treatment, or residential care. Yet, it provides a more structured therapeutic setting than that which is typically offered in a traditional outpatient setting.
Our Clinic is comprised of an intercontinental network of specialty treatment providers that offer comprehensive care for individuals of all ages who are in need of care to address mental health disorders, behavioral health concerns, and chemical dependency issues. Through the evidence-based, innovative programming that is offered at these top-notch treatment centers, individuals can receive the life-changing care that guides them in successfully achieving a life free from the symptoms that once plagued them.
Prior to engaging in any form on treatment, individuals must first partake in a thorough psychosocial assessment. During these assessments, an individual’s history is reviewed, including presenting symptoms and the way in which those symptoms have impacted his or her ability to function on a daily basis. Additionally, one’s physical and psychological background will be reviewed in order to obtain further pertinent information. Once this assessment is complete, it will be reviewed by clinical staff who will then determine what the most appropriate level of care will be in order for the individual’s needs to be met. If it is determined that an intensive outpatient program (IOP) will be of the most benefit to the individual in need of care, the admissions process will commence.
The structure of outpatient programs can vary from one treatment center to the next in regards of how many days per week the sessions are offered, the amount of hours per day that the program takes place, and the length of time during which the program lasts. When individuals enter into IOP, they will be made aware of the specific times that the program meets so that they can determine which schedules work best for them without hindering their ability to adhere to other daily responsibilities.
All individuals who engage in IOP receive individualized treatment plans that are tailored to meet their unique needs so that their treatment goals can be most appropriately met. These individualized treatment plans will include a variety of therapeutic interventions, which may include the following: Medication management:In some instances, the implementation of psychotropic medications can benefit certain individuals as a complement to therapeutic interventions, as they can work to alleviate the physical and psychological distress that certain symptoms elicit. All medications are prescribed by a licensed psychiatrist, and follow-up meetings with the psychiatrist will be held on an as-needed basis.
Group therapy sessions are frequently the main treatment component used in Our Clinic’s intensive outpatient programs. The number and types of groups that meet will vary from program to program based on the needs of the participants. These sessions are led by professionals who facilitate topics of discussions that are relevant to the needs of the individuals who are taking part in the program. These sessions can serve as a time for individuals to not only receive education on the specific problems that they are learning to manage, but also as a time to give and receive support to and from peers who are also participating in the group. This peer interaction can serve to help individuals come to realize that they are not alone in the struggles that they are facing which can, in turn, promote acceptance and healing.
Individual therapy sessions serve as a time for individuals to meet one-on-one with a therapist in a confidential setting. They can be a time for individuals to process through their experiences in treatment, address any concerns that arise, ask any questions they have, receive ongoing support, and celebrate successes as they happen. In intensive outpatient programs, these sessions are most commonly held on an as-needed basis.
In the vast majority of cases, including an individual’s family members into his or her treatment can be monumentally beneficial. In doing so, any damage that has been inflicted upon the family unit as a result of an individual’s mental, behavioral, or chemical dependency concerns can be confronted and processed through. Additionally, this can serve as a time for one’s family members to become educated on what their loved one is going through and learn ways in which they can best be of assistance to him or her. As with individual therapy, family therapy is typically held on an as-needed basis within intensive outpatient programs.
At Our Clinic, we recognize that individuals must be provided with a full spectrum of care options in order to fully transition back into their everyday lives. For this reason, the staff members at our treatment centers begin working on discharge plans from the moment that an individual enters treatment. The purpose of these discharge plans is to ensure that an individual has guidance on ways that he or she can maintain his or her success in recovery once treatment has come to an end.

If you or a loved one is in need of all-encompassing care in order to address mental health concerns, behavioral health problems, or chemical dependency issues, please do not hesitate to contact us at 847-729-6001. Knowledgeable and compassionate staff members are available to assist you or your loved one in choosing the right program for meeting all of your or your loved one’s needs. By receiving treatment at one of Acadia’s highly respected treatment centers, healing and lasting recovery can be within your or your loved one’s reach.
My parents didn’t realize what I had was depression, pretty serious depression too, for quite a long time. I came to serenity because I went to numerous doctors and tried numerous different medications for treating depression and anxiety with no luck… Like a month or two later (after starting TMS), I just felt fantastic.
- Mitchell - Depression, Anxiety, College, Ketamine, TMS
I was quite literally standing on an edge, ready to jump off. And now I haven’t had a thought like that in weeks. I’m feeling a lot more like myself from my golden days. I’m, like, ready to start working on things again. It’s been really, really exciting. Having the energy to do that, just do things again.
- Becca - Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal, Acting, TMS
When you’re stuck in these places of depression and PTSD and anxiety, it’s like, you’re not really living a life, you’re just trying to manage a life. And, you know, I feel like, for the first time in a really long time, I’m living a life.
- Christopher - PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Veteran, Work, TMS, Ketamine
My parents didn’t realize what I had was depression, pretty serious depression too, for quite a long time. I came to serenity because I went to numerous doctors and tried numerous different medications for treating depression and anxiety with no luck… Like a month or two later (after starting TMS), I just felt fantastic.
- Mitchell - Depression, Anxiety, College, Ketamine, TMS
I was quite literally standing on an edge, ready to jump off. And now I haven’t had a thought like that in weeks. I’m feeling a lot more like myself from my golden days. I’m, like, ready to start working on things again. It’s been really, really exciting. Having the energy to do that, just do things again.
- Becca - Depression, Anxiety, Suicidal, Acting, TMS
When you’re stuck in these places of depression and PTSD and anxiety, it’s like, you’re not really living a life, you’re just trying to manage a life. And, you know, I feel like, for the first time in a really long time, I’m living a life.
- Christopher - PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Veteran, Work, TMS, Ketamine
My parents didn’t realize what I had was depression, pretty serious depression too, for quite a long time. I came to serenity because I went to numerous doctors and tried numerous different medications for treating depression and anxiety with no luck… Like a month or two later (after starting TMS), I just felt fantastic.
- Mitchell - Depression, Anxiety, College, Ketamine, TMS